All Classes and Interfaces

Additional notification data used to configure notification.
Resolves additional restrictions for query (i.e.
Helper service for creation of response with notification.
Helper class for creating request that support paging and sorting.
Represents a single cell in excel report.
Optionally converts and set values on CellHolder instance.
Holds data format for excel column.
Represents a combination of property and constraint (single) defined on it.
Client validation configuration for single constrained property.
Contains all ConstrainedPropertyClientValidatorConfiguration instances for a single property with path.
Converts ConstrainedProperty instances to a list of client validator configurations (ConstrainedPropertyClientValidatorConfiguration).
CreateExcelReportRequest builder (explicit to avoid errors while publishing javadoc).
Used by client for csrf ping url
Holder for CSRF tokens and encryption keys.
Generates, validates and refreshes CSRF tokens.
Resolves string values to be encrypted/decrypted from data by path list and delegates encryption operation to TextEncryptionService.
Parameter annotation used to enable method argument decryption.
Default implementation of ExceptionWithArguments interface.
Contains default operators that will be used when building queries.
Request holding data for registry entity deletion.
Adds support for disabling constraints.
Defines several DisableConstraints annotations on the same element.
Method encrypt/decrypt configuration.
Context in which encryption operation is performed
Enum defining encryption operation to be performed.
Exception thrown when encrypt or decrypt operation fails.
Method annotation used to enable method result encryption.
Exception indicating an entity has not been found.
Holds entity with its revision data.
Writes data to excel report.
Creates instances of ExcelReportGenerator that are used for writing to excel report.
Creates and writes excel report to the provided OutputStream.
Resolves auxiliary data for exception (i.e UUID, request uri etc)
Resolve http status for exception.
Implementing this interface enables adding arguments for exception message resolving from
Marker interface that uses exception message for notification.
Implementing this interface enables resolving exception message from
Holder for a list of form ids for which to fetch form configuration.
Hold configuration for specific form id.
Resolves FormValidationConfiguration annotated classes as a Map to be used by FormConfigurationService.
Resolves a list of FormConfiguration instances for a list of form ids.
Type annotation used to mark a class to be registered for constraint resolving.
The annotated element must be in the specified list of values.
Defines several InList annotations on the same element.
Enum representing Javascript type, even though date is not a type it is added for easier handling on client.
Service responsible for conversion between Java and Javascript type.
Converts Java class to Javascript representations.
The annotated element must be before end of the day
Defines several LastTimestampInDay.List annotations on the same element.
Request holding data for fetching a list of different enum data.
Request holding data for fetching a list of different registry entities.
Request holding data for fetching a list of enum data.
Request holding data for fetching history list of registry entities.
Request holding data for fetching a list of registry entities.
Level on which exceptions should be logged (default is ERROR unless configured otherwise).
Performs logging of exceptions at specified verbosity level and logging level (can be configured for each exception).
Verbosity level on which exceptions should be logged (defines how much information will be present in log).
The annotated element size in bytes must be less than specified maximum.
Defines several MaxSizeInBytes.List annotations on the same element.
The annotated element must be after specified minimum date
Defines several MinDate.List annotations on the same element.
Provides an array of rows that will be written to excel.
When using Hibernate as JPA provider allows for searching by properties annotated with @NaturalId annotation, these queries can be better cached allowing for a single database query.
Holder for notification data.
Wrapper around response data that allows for sending notification with original response data.
Resolves messages for notification from either message code list or from Spring's ObjectError instances.
Creates notifications for exceptions, validation failures and actions.
Response that holds notification.
Severity of the notification (i.e.
Annotated element property must not be null when condition is satisfied.
Defines several NotNullWhen annotations on the same element.
Adds support for sorting by subclass properties.
Annotated element property must not be null when condition is satisfied.
Defines several NullWhen annotations on the same element.
Util class for converting paging and sort properties to Pageable instances.
Decides if join or exists subquery will be performed for plural associations (default is subquery).
Annotation that indicates a projected value.
User defined configuration for registry entities.
Resolves a list of RegistryGroupConfiguration instances.
Intercepts operations on registry entities.
Lists, creates, updates and deletes registry entities.
Represents client entity configuration that can be used when building form and grids on client side.
Entity finder service.
Lists enum entities.
Configuration for registry group (a group of registry entities).
Configuration for a registry group.
Fetches history for specific registry entity.
Holder for configuration that overrides default values for each entity.
Holder that holds RegistryOverrideConfiguration and SearchConfiguration for specific entity.
Represents client property configuration that can be used when building form and grids on client side.
Exception thrown when registry read is not allowed.
Exception thrown when registry create, update or delete is not allowed.
Enables creation of RepositoryFactorySupport instances for custom repository implementations.
Entity revision information.
Holds search configuration that decides how query should be build from conditions defined in search request.
Allows for execution of queries built from search request and configured by search configuration.
SearchExecutorJpaRepositoryFactoryBean<T extends<S,I>,S,I>
Factory that supports creating repository factories for SearchExecutor and StringSearchExecutor interfaces.
Join or join fetch that will be applied to query if condition is satisfied (it condition is null join will always be applied).
Operator that will be used when adding value to the query.
Allows for specifying override of default search operator.
Registry entity search parameters.
Projection that will be applied to query.
Configuration that defines how properties from search request are processed (suffixes, ignored properties, join attributes etc).
Represents a join between two entities.
Mapping of request property to entity property.
Helper interface for creating request that support paging and sorting.
Sort direction.
Combination of property to sort by and sort direction.
The annotated element is validated against a provided SpEL expression
Defines several SpelExpression annotations on the same element.
Converts string value to a map that contains property name and property value.
Converts string to required type.
Configuration for subquery.
Holder for variable that will be replaced in excel report template.
Performs text encryption and decryption.
Holds data format for specific type.
Represents validation error on a object.
Holder for validation failure notification data.
Enables usage of DisableConstraints annotation for disabling validation constraints.
Annotated element (allowed types are MultipartFile and FilePart) must match specified content type list, allowed extension list and/or allowed regex.
Defines several ValidFile annotations on the same element.
Annotated element (allowed types are MultipartFile and FilePart) must match property values resolved for content type list, allowed extension list and/or allowed regex.
Defines several ValidFileResolvable annotations on the same element.
Annotated element must be a valida OIB (Personal Identification Number).
Defines several ValidOib annotations on the same element.
Annotated element from property must be less than (or equal to if inclusive is true) to property.
Defines several ValidRange annotations on the same element.
At least one group of annotated element must contain all properties that are not null.
Defines several ValidSearchProperties annotations on the same element.
Holder for a list of property names.